
Thursday 24 December 2015

Chapter 67: Night Scenery of Rinwaal

Two knight carriages were going south, towards Trent Rietta, on the highroad at the eastern coast of Fonclanc.
Yuusuke was sitting in the first carriage, that was driven by Vermeer, along with Sun, Razshia and Reifold, who tagged along for some unknown reason. The second carriage was driven by Shaheed. Aisha, Fonke, Isotta, and Sorzak were riding inside it.

When Sorzak heard from Yuusuke that the corps would be heading to Driadria in Trent Rietta, he requested to join them as he wanted to get some iron ore from the Waterstone mines.


Monday 21 December 2015

Chapter 66 : Shadow of Disaster

Sorry for the delay, here's chapter 66

Translator : Lunate, TLC : Baka367, Editor : MrNeutral

Fifth day of the fire month of Fyolnar.

In the upper floors of Volance palace, the joyful laughter of Violet could be heard in the morning.


“I~I’m sorry.”

Yuusuke had a nosebleed and fainted due to Sun’s seduction which was then found out by Violet. Currently he had become a laughingstock due to that event.


Thursday 17 December 2015

Next chapter will be delayed

Hi guys, the next chapter will be delayed. Due the translating part of the War faction and pacifist faction of Fonclanc. The author wrote it too funny, I had a hard time trying to figure out the english words suitable for it. >_> I HATE POLITICS.

Monday 14 December 2015

The Dance Festival (Back part) - part 2

Alright part 2 of the back part of the dance festival. WTF am I saying, this feels weird.

GG dammed this 2nd part of the chapter, argh dammed the author.

And here's the full chapter 65

Translator : Lunate, TLC : Baka367, Editor :

Early morning of the second day of the dance festival~~

Motivated to train himself even more Thalys had left his birthplace. On the road back to Gazzetta, he was thinking about the parting words that Zeshald had left him with last night.
Thalys who had regained consciousness on the bed in Zeshald’s mansion is disappointed in his ability which could not compete with the Divine Arts of Yuusuke. Even so, he could not take the fact that Sun was a civilian under military employment by Yuusuke.

As Zeshald came to check on his recovery, Thalys began to confide to him about the things he had kept in his heart, as expected he had the same trust and respect towards Zeshald who had helped him since a young age like Sun.

“Certainly Yuusuke’s power is unimaginable, but….I cannot accept that. For Sun’s sake, if only I can put out more power the next time~~”
“Hmm. But Thalys, have you thought about Sun’s feelings?”

Friday 11 December 2015

The Dance Festival (Back part) - part 1

Like I said last post, I will be splitting this chapter to 2 parts.

Translator : Lunate, Editor : Champion9124

Daybreak, the very same day~~

At once, Yuusuke had transmitted his message to the soldiers stationed at Rufk. Thalys’s group was visiting from Gazzetta, and Violet who understands the personal circumstances surrounding Sun, bestowed the words “go kick some ass!”.

“Seems very Violet-like…”
“Hohoho today’s the day of the dance festival, some sightseers have come.”
「ほっほっほっ 今日が舞踏祭でなければ、見物に来ていたかもしれんのう」

Likely consenting to Zeshald’s words, Yuusuke was preparing himself for the duel as he headed towards the plaza. As it seems, lots of villagers and soldiers had gathered, and as Yuusuke appeared in sight, cheers of excitement began to flood the area.

Sun was dressed in a costume which was covered with feathers as her role was to congratulate the winner, while Bahana was sitting on a location which overlooked the entire arena of the duel.

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Chapter 64 : The Dance Festival (Front Part)

Alright the late release is due to work, it's the holiday season so Baka workload just got more thus he release it a little late. For the next chapter since it is a little long I will be splitting it into 2 parts. It's totally not because of fallout 4.


“We finally arrived. As I thought, this was faster than using a knight’s carriage.”
“To be able to travel that fast without a carriage. It’s an amazing thing!”
They only took a short rest during their trip and were able to arrive at the village early in the afternoon. The trip took them around five hours, and repeating the same task for this long was nothing to a former MMO addict like Yuusuke.
“Yuusuke-san I thought that you would come back soon.”
“I’m back, Bahana-san.”
When she heard that Sun had been appointed as a special attendant for the Darkness God Corps, Bahana gently stoked the girl’s hair, asking her to show her uniform the next time she came back home.

Because they did not use a carriage to go to the village, at first only the people that were near the village gate had noticed them. However, by the time they arrived at Zeshald’s house, the news had spread throughout the entire village and everyone had gathered to greet them.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Chapter 63: End of the Calendar, Start of the Holiday

Translator : Baka367, TLC: Lunate , Proofreader : MrNeutral

“Princess, it’s almost time for your studies.”
Krielov was running after the self-moving car prototype that Violet was thoroughly enjoying, riding it in circles around the knight corps training grounds. When the motor arrived the previous day, Yuusuke immediately assembled the wooden frame for the car and installed the engine. This was the car that Violet was test-driving right now.
As of yet, Yuusuke was still not used to producing motor vehicles, so the actual “car” was just a downscaled copy of the carriage that the corps used.
“It would not be impossible to think about using Gimmick power to improve the currently used carriages after all…”
“Yuusuke-dono! Please help me with her.”

Friday 27 November 2015

Chapter 62 : The secret meaning behind the wind

Translator : Lunate87, TLC : Baka367, Editor : Champion9124

~Blue Garden’s 2nd capital, the fortified city of Paula.~

In the underground passage of the central facility, council parliament Reifold was walking lightly. Beside him was a person from the women troupe who was guiding him while explaining things to him.

“The atmosphere around here is a little weird. Don’t you think so?”
“Is that so? It hasn’t been long since I had joined the troupe, thus I am not very sure about it.”

Reifold is well known in the upper tier of Blue Garden’s government. Within the elite’s troupes he is known as a “shrewd intelligence activist”.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Chapter 61 : The afterwards of a melancholy cloud

Translator : Lunate87, TLC : Baka367, Proofreader : MrNeutral

At the site of the highway, small groups of mercenaries were gathered, a confirmation of the survey area was being perform. A small fortress that blended into the surrounding scenery was built in this unnatural location and was being used as the forward base for the survey, water and food were brought into the place.

“Well, we shall head back first.”
“Thanks for your hard work! Leave the rest to us.”

After the survey duty of the Darkness God Corps was taken over by the mercenary troop, they took the carriage back down the night road to the relay town. The adventurer group was still at the site continuing their activities. It seemed that the recovery and transportation of the victims’ bodies will be done by tomorrow or the day after.

“Has Sun gone to sleep?”

“Yes, most likely she is tired from all that tension.”

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Chapter 60: Natural Enemy

Translator : Baka367, TLC: Lunate , Proofreader : MrNeutral
The next day, the Darkness God Corps was preparing for their journey in front of the trade association branch building. This made the merchants around the town happy as they required a lot of supplies for their mission. The profit for them was much bigger when a government military detachment was buying supplies than when adventurers from the associated adventurer’s guild were restocking for another mission.
“How about these? This is a new product that is recommended for camping outside. It’s a must have for adventurers that allows for a pleasant sleep, even in the wilderness.”
It was a high quality sleeping bag, made from leather and cloth – a copy of the [Pleasant sleeping bag] that had spread like wildfire between the adventurers. Although no one managed to understand why the newly created bags did not have the effect of the originals, which originated from the former Nossentes knights, the quality of these copies was still high.

Friday 13 November 2015

Chapter 59 : Sun's Determination

Translator : Baka367, Editor : Champion9124, Proofreader : MrNeutral

Dressed up in good quality white servant clothes, Sun was nervously holding the bow that she had received from Bahana. The same day that she was appointed to be a servant of the Darkness God Corps, the group was ordered to investigate a report of demon beasts ravaging around the countryside.
Sun’s equipment was enchanted to a similar level of the ones that Yuusuke wore. Although the equipment greatly enhanced her abilities, the girl relied much more on Yuusuke’s skills than on the quality of the equipment.
“You are saying that, but without your customized equipment your abilities could not even be considered average.”
“That’s true…”
“… I agree…”
“Eh? Eh? Why are you speaking like that, Yuusuke-san?”
Yuusuke became somewhat down, drawing letters from a different world as his feet. Sun, absentminded from the stress, frantically tried to calm her friend, who was performing yet another strange ritual.
“Captain, I am sorry to interrupt your happy time (flirting), but our preparations are done.“

“You call this flirting? I am feeling depressed here!” retorted Yuusuke as he boarded the carriage, followed by Sun.


Wednesday 11 November 2015

Chapter 58 : Disturbing Signs

Translator : Lunate87, Proofreader : MrNeutral

In a small relay town southeast of Fonclanc. On the west is the moon mirror lake, while being surrounded by woods. Close to the border of Trent Rietta, along the lake, a little south of the highway one could enter the territory of Trent Rietta.

If one were to follow the road which heads towards the Northeast, they would reach a relay town in Trent Rietta which continues on to the capital “Rinvar”. Although the relay town was small, there were a relatively large number of trading associations composed of merchant guild branches.

Recently within the trade association, there have been a number of damage reports caused by magical beasts in the vicinity of the town. Nevertheless, since the destruction of Nossentes the trade route was destroyed, thus they were waiting for Gazzetta’s negotiations before reconstructing it.

As the trade association had suffered a blow from lost revenue, beside requesting for a deployment of soldiers from the capital, Sanc Adiet, they also had the adventurers advancing in their own investigation, in order to meet with the merchants demand for rapid response.

Saturday 7 November 2015

Chapter 57 : The Tie up and many problems.

Translator : Lunate87, TLC : Baka367, Editor : Champion9124, Proofreader : MrNeutral

“Eru~, if you are going back to teacher’s place take this along.”

Stretching out with both of her hands Eru (Elfiona) received a basket filled with vegetables, sfx: tote tote, as the green haired little girl walks along. Bahana smiles as it looks as if the child version of Sun had came back as she sees off the small little back.

Just earlier this week, Yuusuke brought a potion along with Rasanasha and the child assassin Eru (Elfiona). As a form of protection against the dismantled special ops, Yuusuke brought her into Zeshald’s custody.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Chapter 56: Aftermath

Translator : Baka367, Editor : Champion9124, Proofreader : MrNeutral

The series of events that started with the artless village raids incident had ended with the fall of Nossentes.
The Darkness God Corps and Ambassador’s party were riding to Sanc Adiet in the carriage that had been sent out to greet them.
The soldiers followed slightly behind them, escorting the prisoners of war. Rashanasha, Razshia and Elfiona were riding together in a separate carriage surrounded by guards that were both protecting and keeping an eye on them.
After the attack on the inn, Yuusuke carried Razshia to her room and cleared out the remaining traps in the inn. When he reached the point where he could take a break, he sat down for a serious talk with Rashanasha.
“For the sake of everyone here, you have to tell me everything—“
Rashanasha had told him everything and had bowed her head in apology to everyone in the room.


Monday 2 November 2015

The fleeting song of the honeybee [End Part] Part 2

Translator : Baka367, TLC : Lunate, Editor : Champion9124, Proofreader : MrNeutral
Several lights could still be seen flickering inside the inn when the secret ops had invaded the building from the rear exit.

Their plan was to move to Yuusuke’s party’s lodgings. The intruders knew that their quarters were separated, so they would be able to swiftly and stealthily carry out the assassination. Afterwards they were to create an uproar, waking inn’s staff and guests and make a scene before them and any curious onlookers. The assassins would look like retreating Gazzetta troops to anyone who saw them.

“Up here. You go to the right, the two of you – to the left. Everyone else go to the ambassador’s quarters.”

The lot was approaching the central stairway that led to the second floor where the Fonclanc’s party should have been helplessly awaiting their deaths.

“Wh-what is it?!”
“The floor… ?!”

Thursday 29 October 2015

The fleeting song of the honeybee [End Part] Part 1

Translator : Baka367, TLC : Lunate, Editor : Champion9124, Proofreader : MrNeutral

A little while before the special operations squad got in touch with Honeybee --
A guard carriage was driving through a small road in a forest, situated north east of Nossentes.
“Is the Gazzetta army still after us?”
“Yes! They are keeping their distance, probably because they are afraid of our counterattack using divine arts. But they have not given up the chase yet.”
A few days had already passed since the fall of Patrucia Nost. The Nossentes soldiers that had scattered around the country were already uniting under the Divine Parliament and were on their way to Fonclanc. They were currently traveling towards Blue Garden.

On the way they were spotted by a Gazzetta patrol. However Gazzetta was not regarded well in Blue Garden since their incursion during the battle at Paula. The ministers believed that Gazzetta would cease the chase once they crossed the border.


Monday 26 October 2015

Chapter 54 : The fleeting song of the honeybee [Middle Part] Part 2

Here's part 2, it's a little short though.


Five days had passed after the fall of the Patrucia Nost. The carriage that was supposed to greet the Darkness God Corps’ party would not arrive for another few days. Therefore the party was currently relaxing at the port town.

“Oh, you are out shopping?”
“Yeah, i’m in charge of the dinner today. I’ll be cooking fish.”
“You seem to be happy”

Razshia seemed to be tense, but the peaceful atmosphere around the party had started to get to her and she was being much more natural in her acting. She had even gotten friendly with the members of Yuusuke’s corps. However the girl herself had not remembered the last time she felt truly at peace (satisfied)


Friday 23 October 2015

Chapter 54 : The fleeting song of the honeybee [Middle Part] Part 1

Okay so there will be 2 parts to this chapter, we will do a final proofreading once the 2nd part is out. So far we have only edit a proofread this part. So enjoy.

Translator : Lunate87, TLC : Baka367, Editor : Champion9124, Proofreader : MrNeutral

This is easy to move in, and is surprisingly warm too.”
“You should wear a hair ornament to go with it, I believe that you would look more attractive you know?”

The two sisters, Razshia and Rasanasha, had just returned from shopping. They were currently chatting while trying on a combination of different small ornaments and organising their loot.

Regardless of the mission, Razshia had no experience in choosing fashionable clothes for herself, thus buying items from the stalls along the main streets proved to be an enjoyable act. But abruptly, a feeling of anxiety began falling over the enjoyable mood.

“Is something wrong?”
“....yeah, kind of.”

She was thinking about the events that will unfold when she reaches Sanc Adiet, as there will be problems for her, such as trying to persuade someone of important standing to take her under his wing, and there is also the presence of the Earl who is the boss of Rasanasha in Fonclanc, thus no deception should be made.

Aside from the Nossentes sympathizers within the palace officials, there were only a few nobles who Razshia could persuade. Talking about persuading, it won’t be as sweet as the time around with Yuusuke, and there might be a chance where lies and deception are involved.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Chapter 53 : The fleeting song of the honeybee [Front Part]

The next chapter will be divided into 2 parts it's too long, so I decided to split it up.

Translator : Lunate87, TLC : Baka367, Editor : Champion9124, Proofreader : MrNeutral

The plan to make Fonclanc and Blue Garden fight each other that the parliament had put together required their special fortress to attack the Darkness God Corps and ambassador’s party while disguised as Gazzetta troops. It was quite a simple tactic to make two countries fight each other.

Since the opponent is Blue Garden’s elite troupe and Gazzetta’s cavalry troop, in order to repel them they made use of Fonclanc’s best team, the Darkness God Corps. No matter how much one is a veteran from many battles, there is no guarantee that they would fight and cross swords up front.

Therefore they decided to make use their spy, “Honeybee” Razshia who was currently traveling with the Darkness God Corps party. Although, she is not skilled in assassination, she was adept in handling drugs. It would be good if the Darkness God Corps could be use stall the time of attack.

Saturday 17 October 2015

Chapter 52 : Divine Parliament conspiracy

Translator : Baka367, TLC : Lunate, Editor : Champion9124, Proofreader : MrNeutral

A little while time after King Shinha’s announcement.
Despite it being late at night, a long line of the city’s inhabitants stretched before the northern gate. Shinha was watching it through the Divine Mirror. This mirror was a special device that was constructed in the center of the Divine Halls and allowed it’s user to look into the distance.
It was said that this mirror was created by an ancient Evil God. It had the power to show any place within Patrucia Nost or it’s surroundings from a bird’s eye view. It could practically be used to track the movements of anyone within the mirrors effective area.

The reason why the cooperation between the different knight squads of the Nossentes' military was so good was because of this mirror.


Wednesday 14 October 2015

Chapter 51 : Fall of the Hollow/Empty Castle

Translator : Baka367, TLC : Lunate, Editor : Champion9124, Proofreader : MrNeutral

Elite Gazzetta troops were walking through an old hidden passage that had not been touched by anyone for five hundred years. The village oracle, Ayuukas, from the village of the white clan, who was accompanying them as a guide, muttered in a quiet, yearning voice.
“Most of the remaining passages were destroyed… but this one seems to have remained untouched after all.”
“But why did they leave this single passage untouched? There has not been even a single trap here yet.”
“Because of this”
evil beasts?”
Ayuukas pointed at the floor before them, where the bones of a long dead evil beast laid scattered about, now but a testament of its former strength.
Successive generations of the Divine Parliament have been doing their best to search and destroy any remaining hidden tunnels that could compromise the safety of Patrucia Nost. However, it seemed that a pack of evil beats had settled in this passage as their den. The Divine Parliament of that time decided that they were suitable watchdogs and left the tunnel untouched.
“Even if they were evil beasts, they could not survive without food.”

Noticing the traces of cannibalism on the corpses, Ayuukas could only pray that they had found a better life in the other world.